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All About Creatine – Benefits, Function, Creatine Loading Phase, Dose


The gym has always been a craze for youngsters. If you’re a Gym lover or a bodybuilder, you have undoubtedly heard about Creatine and Sarms bodybuilding supplements. If yes, you must be curious to know about this magical supplement that is used extensively to improve gym performance. When it comes to gym supplements, you may find endless people around you with different opinions. While some people believe that these kinds of supplements are drastically unsafe and have many side-effects. But there is actually no evidence of it. 

But we also can’t overlook many things that wonder us before starting consuming these supplements like what exactly this means and how much you should take and how long.. The list is endless and there is a lot to focus. 

We’re all set up to share our studies on what actually creatine is, what it does, how much creatine per day you need to take, how to take the best Creatine Monohydrate & its benefitsLet’s start with the basics.  

What Is Creatine And How It works in the Body?

Basically, creatine is the substance that can be found naturally in the muscle cells. If we talk about the measurement, almost 95% of the creatine is stored in your muscles in the form of phosphocreatine, and rest 5% can be found in the brain, kidney, and liver. 

When you consume creatine, it helps your muscles produce energy during high-intensity exercise & heavy weight-lifting. For anyone looking to pack on muscles, recover better, sprint faster, creatine is one of the most effective supplements available. For this reason, it is very popular among athletes & bodybuilders to improve performance, boost strength, and gain muscles. 

After knowing the basics of creatine, let’s take a step ahead towards its benefits and its consumption quantity. 

Benefits Of  Creatine

We believe to cover more in fewer words, that is what we will be doing here. Let’s keep it short and learn more.  

1) Increase Muscle Mass

When it comes to bodybuilding, creatine supplement has been repeatedly shown to be an effective way to increase muscle mass and there is evidence to show that those who supplement with it gain twice the amount of muscles than those who don’t.  And the main way in which creatine can help you increase your muscle mass is by an increased amount of quality training you can perform when you have fueled up with creatine.

2) Athletic Performance 

The benefits ofcreatine on athletic performance are well documented. It has been reported in studies that it can raise the strength & performance by 5% to 15%. 

3) Recovery

During the resistance training, your muscle glycogen stores can be depleted by almost 40%, depending on the workout session. Creatine can help your body to replenish its glycogen stores. 

What Is Creatine Loading?

Creatine Loading means taking a larger amount of creatine than maintenance dosage for several days, which enables you to saturate your muscles quickly in a short period.  This results in faster training gains and improves strength & performance. 

Pros Of Creatine Loading

1) Instant Results

With the creatine loading phase, you’ll be able to start adding extra quality work to your training session as compared to no creatine loading phase. You’ll be able to perform more sets of your training. 

2) Better Pump

It will help you to perform better as it will draw water into your muscle cells and cause a swelling effect. This will lead to a better pump. These swelling effects will have other potential benefits also. 

3) Sustainable

Being on the loading phase, if you drop down to a regular drop, you’ll sustain the muscle mass and maintain the strength of your body. Your body typically uses 1-2% of your creatine stores on a daily basis, so your daily maintenance dose will be enough to make sure your store stays full and keep your performance high. 

How Much Creatine You Can Take Per Day?

The amount of your intakes will exactly depend on the kind of creatine you’re taking if it is maintenance or creating loading. It can be taken 5 grams of Creatine Monohydrate four-time daily for 5-7 days. It would be the most effective way to increase your muscle creatine level, though it can depend on an individual’s weight.  

When it comes to the loading phase, you can determine your daily dose by multiplying your weight in kilograms by 0.3. For instance- if an individual’s weight is 80 kg (24 in grams), he can take (80 x 0.3) of creatine each day while you’re on the loading phase. 

Once your muscles are completely saturated, you can lower your dose which can also maintain a higher level. 

You should consult with your gym trainer or doctor or specialist about daily creatine intaketo avoid side effects. 

So this is everything you need to know about creatine, creatine loading phase, its benefits. Read our blog before the intended consumption of Creatine and also suggest your beginner’s friends.


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